Thursday, February 25, 2016

Handheld gps the power to navigate

If you travel a lot using several different modes of transportation then you probably are looking for a handheld GPS to help you find your way. Locating a source of discount handheld GPS units can be a problem. Being just a little bit bigger than a standard cell phone, handheld GPS receivers offer the ability to navigate to any location on earth. When not in use you can put in its holster ready for the next use. A quality handheld GPS unit can range from less than $100 to as high as $2,000. A good quality unit with the best features will cost you about $500.00.

Manufactures that commonly offer handheld GPS systems include Cobra, Magellan, Garmin, Lowrance and Bushnell. Lowrance offers the best prices for handheld GPS systems that contain monochrome coloring. Their cheapest model is only $63.99, however we do not recommend buying a gray scale or black and white display. Unfortunately, Lowrance is not the best choice when it comes to colorized GPS handhelds, as their prices, (which can be over $1,000) are almost expensive as more well-known Garmin or Magellan brands. For colorized handheld GPS, it is best to go with Cobra, (with their cheapest colorized unit costing only $922) and Bushnell, (whose cheapest colorized unit costs only $500). Bushnell is a new manufacture of GPS. However they offer unique GPS aerial photo mapping and weather tracking features.

Where can one buy a handheld GPS systems at a discount price? Amazon. com is one place that offers dozens of discounts on various brands of handheld GPS systems. Some of their handheld GPS systems are offered at a reduction rate as high as 41%. Others are discounted through special rebates. If this is not enough of a discount, one can try an online auction site. Since sellers on most auction sites are not professional vendors like Amazon. Usually they are just selling their used personal units allowing them to offer more in terms of price negotiation. It is not uncommon to buy discount handheld GPS systems at hundreds even thousands below retail price when purchasing from online auction sites.

Manufactures that market a large number discount handheld GPS receivers are: Cobra, Lowrance and Bushnell. These and other brands can be purchased from sites like Amazon. com or online auctions. Doing your homework and searching carefully you should not have any excuse for buying an overpriced handheld GPS system. Initially it might seem nice to get the most expensive, most popular brand-name handheld GPS available. However, if you can get all the features they need from a discount GPS system. The bottom line is that discount handheld GPS systems will function in the manner and have most of the same features as any retail priced handheld GPS receiver. A good handheld GPS receiver is a great travel necessity that will open the whole world to you, don't leave home without it.

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