Saturday, January 30, 2016

Jeux de casino comment perdre de argent rapidement

Examinons donc les diffйrentes thйories de jeux existants, leur sйrieux et leur efficacitй, pour ne pas dire inefficacitй.

Tout d'abord, il est une chose essentielle a toujours garde en mйmoire: le jeu est un sport, un loisir lie aux alйas du hasard. Comprenez donc la chose suivante: rien ne peut dйfier le hasard. Perdre est donc naturel et il faut bien l'accepter.

Tout n'est donc que question de chance.

Ainsi, toutes les thйories sur "Comment battre les Casinos" n'ont aucun fondement et n'ont, par ailleurs, jamais prouve leur efficacitй.

Ces derniиres n'ont йtй inventйes que pour donner de faux espoirs de contrфle d'une partie, face a un manque de confiance en soi.

1) L'une des mйthodes les plus cйlиbres est celle de parier sur un йvйnement qui n'a pas eu lieu a un moment prйcis. Selon des calculs statistiques, un йvйnement qui ne s'est pas produit a ce moment sera forcement rйcurent sous peu.
Grave erreur. Par exemple, a la roulette: 3 cases rouges sortent coup sur coup, le joueur parie alors sur une case noire pour le quatriиme tour. Manque de chance, une autre case rouge est sortie.
Hors cette mйthode est trиs courante au sein des casinos, surtout parmi les joueurs cherchant a battre le casino. Regardez donc le nombre de personnes autour du table avec leur air songeur! En fait, ils analysent les parties.

2) La seule mйthode plus fiable jusqu'a prйsent fut le comptage de cartes des sabots. Or, sachez que les casinos peuvent mettre dans un mкme sabot 8 voir 10 jeux diffйrents pour le Blackjack. Donc cette mйthode n'est plus trop en vigueur de nos jours.
Cette derniиre fut trиs prisйe car non basйe sur les probabilitйs, et offrant, a long terme, plus d'avantage sur le Casino.

3) Toutefois, certaines mйthodes ont vues le jour comme les Martingales pour la casino en ligne pour la roulettes. Celles-ci ont au moins le mйrite d'annoncer la couleur des le dйpart: "Aucune fiabilitй a 100%". Toutefois, elles offrent l'avantage de proposer les meilleures possibilitйs de paris (comment miser pour rйcupйrer la prйcйdente mise, combien, etc..), tout en ayant fait d'avantages de preuves que la premiиre.

Les casinos permettent-ils ceci ?

Les casinos connaissent mкme mieux que nous ces fameuses stratйgies "miracles". Par consйquent, les casinotiers changent rйguliиrement leurs conditions gйnйrales de jeu ou leur matйriel, sans pour autant кtre trop inquiиtes. En effet, contre le comptage de cartes, le casino a par exemple rajoutй des jeux dans son sabot afin de le rendre impossible.

De plus, ces derniers savent qu'a la longue, l'avantage revient a la maison (soit, le casino).

Mais pour йviter de tout perdre:

Autre que le conseil singulier de "faites attention a vos mises. Ne misez jamais plus que vous ne disposez", il est utile de rappeler que les allers/ retours a Las Vegas ou Atlantic City ne sont pas nйcessaires pour pouvoir bйnйficier de bons casinos. Le choix s'offre a vous,: dans votre rйgion ou en ligne. Alors pourquoi gaspiller en plus de l'argent dans des billets d'avions tous les deux mois?

Thursday, January 28, 2016

How to make your ezine work for you long after it s published

If you publish an email newsletter, do you convert the issues to HTML and archive them on your website? If you haven't been doing so, you should start now, today.

"But the free mailing service I use already archives them." you say.

That's great! That means the search engines will find that many more links to your site online. But it is worth the effort to put them on your website also. You can do it simply and quickly.

First, here are three good reasons why you should take the time out of your busy schedule:

1) It shows your subscribers and potential subscribers that your newsletter is a vital part of your service to them. Isn't it worth preserving for posterity?

2) Your newsletter will contain many keywords -- those subjects for which people and consequently search engines often search. If you submit them to the search engines, they'll draw traffic to your website. You can create an index page for them and put them all in their own directory, or even put them on their own domain, and submit it to the search engines and directories as a stand-alone online business resource.

3) Advertisers love the fact that their ads will live on. Statistics show that website visitors read archived newsletters fairly regularly. That is especially true if you add a search function to your site so that your archives may be searched by subject.

Here's how to do it:

It should take you at the most about 15 minutes to convert your newsletter from text to HTML. Most of that time is spent in coding the many URLs to make them clickable.

There are many text editing software programs that will convert text to HTML quickly. Some HTML editing software programs will do it also, with a single copy/paste action. One great and free text editor is NoteTab Light. If you don't have it, you are missing a great resource. It works with text and HTML both, does almost everything but slice bread, and it's free! No ads and no nags. (There is a low-priced Pro version that does even more!) Here's where to get it: notetab. com

We'll use NoteTab Light for our illustration. Got it installed now? Okay, open up your newsletter in NoteTab Light.

On the toolbar at the top, click on "Modify."

On the drop-down menu, choose "Document to HTML," and on the menu that pops out, choose "With Paragraph Tags."

Save the resulting document with a. htm or. html extension. If you want the page width to conform to the reader's web browser size, click search and remove all the BREAK tags. Add a title, meta tag description and keywords, and upload it.

Now you have a resource for your visitors and a draw for the search engines, and all for only a few minutes' work. Stick some Google Adsense or your own ads on the page, and you also have a money maker!

Cancer bands

In 2004, the Lance Armstrong Foundation created the Livestrong cancer band. This was when these bracelets really became popular. The bracelets are used and worn to raise support and money for cancer research.

The Lance Armstrong Foundation was established in 1997 back when cyclist Lance Armstrong was able to overcome cancer. The foundations mission is to inspire as well as empower people affected with cancer together with their families and friends.

Today, these cancer bands are created for almost every type of cancer. These cancer bands are definitely a great way to support the research for cancer in hopes to find a cure.

Cancer Bands was created in order to inform people of these cancer bands as well as inform them about the many types of cancer. It is said that cancer is the second cause of death in the US - trailing behind heart disease.

Each year, more than a million Americans get some sort of treatment for cancer. Unfortunately, 330000 of them usually die. Cancer attacks people of all ages - from newborns to the elderly. Cancer Research was created to inform, help, and provide ways for people to learn about cancer and donate to cancer research. Cancer Research hopes that spreading the news and awareness of cancer through their website and through cancer bands will help safe lives.

The website provides information about all different types of cancer such as:

•breast cancer,
•prostate cancer,
•lung cancer,
•pancreatic cancer,
•colon cancer,
•skin cancer,
•ovarian cancer,
•cervical cancer,
•testicular cancer,
•liver cancer,
•bone cancer,
•thyroid cancer,
•stomach cancer,
•bladder cancer,
•brain cancer,
•throat cancer,
•kidney cancer,
•uterine cancer,
•and mouth cancer.

With every category of cancer listed on the website, users are able to read information about each type. The website provides information such as incidence of each type of cancer, signs and symptoms, who is at the most risk, prevention, and treatment.

Do your potential customers forget about you

Your web business probably gets product inquiries from potential customers around the globe. Inquiries come via e-mail and your web site, and you try to send information to each hot prospect as quickly as you can. You know that you can drastically increase the likelihood of making a sale by satisfying each person's need for information quickly!

But, after you've delivered that first bit of information to your prospect, do you send him any further information?

If you are like most Internet marketers, you don't.

When you don't follow that initial message with additional information later on, you let a valuable prospect slip from your grasp! This is a potential customer who may have been very interested in your products, but who lost your contact information, or was too busy to make a purchase when your first message reached him. Often, a prospect will purposely put off making a purchase, to see if you find him important enough to follow up with later. When he doesn't receive a follow up message from you, he will take his business elsewhere.

Are you losing profits due to inconsistent and ineffective follow up?

Following up with leads is more than just a process - it's an art. In order to be effective, you need to design a follow up system, and stick to it, EVERY DAY! If you don't follow up with your prospects consistently, INDIVIDUALLY, and in a timely fashion, then you might as well forget the whole follow up process.

Consistent follow up gets results!

When I first started marketing and following up with prospects, I used a follow up method that I now call the "List Technique." I had a large database containing the names and e-mail addresses of people who had specifically requested information about my products and services. These prospects had already received my first letter by the time they requested more information, so I used the company's latest news as a follow up piece. I would write follow up newsletters every now and then, and send them, in one mass mailing, to everyone who had previously requested information from me. While this probably did help me win a few additional orders, it wasn't a very good follow up method. Why isn't the "List Technique" very effective?

The List Technique isn't consistent. Proponents of the List Technique tend to only send out follow up messages when their companies have "big news".

List Technique messages don't give the potential customer any additional information about the product or service in question. He can't make a more informed buying decision after receiving a newsletter! If someone is wondering whether your company sells the best knick-knacks, what does he care that you've just moved your headquarters?

List Technique messages convey a "big list" mentality to your potential customers. When I used to write follow up messages using the List Technique, I was writing news bulletins to everyone I knew! I should have been sending a personal message to each individual who wanted to know more about my products.

What follow up method really works?

Following up with each lead individually, multiple times, but at set intervals, and with pre-written messages, will dramatically increase sales! Others who use this same technique confirm that they have all at least doubled the sales of various products! In order to set this system up, though, you need to do some planning.

First, you'll need to develop your follow up messages. If you've been marketing on the Internet for any length of time, then you should already have a first informative letter. Your second letter marks the beginning of the follow up process, and should go into more detail than the first letter. Fill this letter with details that you didn't have the space to add to the first letter. Stress the BENEFITS of your products or services!

Your next 2-3 follow up messages should be rather short. Include lists of the benefits and potential uses of your products and services. Write each letter so that your prospects can skim the contents, and still see the full force of your message.

The next couple of follow up messages should create a sense of urgency in your prospect's mind. Make a special offer, giving him a reason to order NOW instead of waiting any longer. After reading these follow up messages, your prospect should want to order immediately!

Phrase each of your final 1 or 2 follow up messages in the form of a question. Ask your prospect why he hasn't yet placed an order? Try to get him to actually respond. Ask if the price is to high, the product isn't the right color or doesn't have the right features, or if he is looking for something else entirely. (By this time, it's unlikely that this person will order from you. However, his feedback can help you modify your follow up letters or products, so that other prospects will order from you.)

The timing of your follow up letters is just as important as their content. You don't want one prospect to receive a follow up the day after he gets your initial informative letter, while another prospect waits weeks for a follow up!

Always send an initial, informative letter as soon as it is requested, and send the first follow up 24 hours afterwards. You want your hot prospects to have information quickly, so that they can make informed buying decisions!

Send the next 2-3 follow up messages between 1 and 3 days apart. Your prospect is still hot, and is probably still shopping around! Tell him about the benefits of your products and services, as opposed to your competitors'. You will make the sale!

Send the final follow up messages later on. You certainly don't want to annoy your prospect! Make sure that these last letters are at least 4 days apart.

Following up effectively seems complicated, but it doesn't have to be! So many potential customers are lost because of poor follow up - don't you want to be one of the few to get it right?