Sunday, November 27, 2016

Wealth management solutions-options abound

Wealth management is a difficult concept to grasp for many people, especially in terms of investment and savings for the future. With options like stocks, bonds, 401K’s, 529’s, and more, choosing the right wealth management option can be tough at best and impossibly confusing in many circumstances. That’s why there are wealth management firms who are experts in these services and exist soley to help guide high net worth individuals through the aches and pains of wealth management and private banking, as well as educating people on where to put their money and how each investment will help their finances grow.

Private Banking

If you are interested in learning more about the various ways to invest your money or plan for retirement, you should perhaps look into private banking options. In private banking, you have a direct account manager that you can contact any time with any questions regarding your account and how your assets are being handled. There are many options for investment through private banking, and most are fairly simple to understand, making this a preferred option for many individuals who are unfamiliar with wealth management.

Wealth Management Services

For those who don’t quite understand the concept behind wealth management services are available from a number of avenues to assist in the determination of how to handle finances. Wealth management means more than sticking to a budget; it also means planning for the future, and various institutions can assist in teaching individuals how to manage their money, as well as in providing complete wealth management services.

Wealth Management Firms

Have you considered a wealth management firm? You’ve spoken to private bankers and don’t like the options they provide for wealth management. You aren’t a fan of computers, so you don’t want to invest in wealth management software. However, you need a customized solution for your assets to build at a greater rate, and you have no idea where to invest. Wealth management firms are built on the basis of helping you to follow the right avenue. With a personal advisor, you’ll be able to configure your investment options to achieve your specific goals with as much or as little input as you feel is necessary.

Wealth Management Software

You may also consider the benefits of wealth management software. Many people have a hard time managing their finances enough to plan from paycheck to paycheck, much less to have a goal for the future. When it comes to wealth management, most people are completely flustered by the thought of having a budget that considers not only the groceries to buy tomorrow, but also the ones you’ll need to buy after retirement in 40 years. Wealth management software is a helpful tool in building your financial plans so that you can feel comfortable with your current lifestyle, be assured that you’ll have the assets you need in the future, and can fulfill some of your dreams in the interim.

Do not fall for a scam find a free home based internet business

Finding a free home based internet business opportunity is not as easy as it sounds. Sure, you might think you could just go ahead and Google the term, and out of the wealth of information displayed on your screen you will be able to pick the one that is most likely to spell success for you, right? Wrong! Sadly, there are many scam artists on the ‘Net who are just waiting for someone to come by and subscribe to their get-rich-quick scheme. For this reason, get-rich-quick-schemes are now almost synonymous with free home based internet business opportunities.

For example, how often have you searched for avenues to supplement your income with a free home based internet business that would provide a little something extra every month – perhaps to save up for a wonderful family vacation, or maybe even to take the place of a part time job that is taking you away from your children during the day now – only to find the kinds of websites that talk about these wonderful opportunities without actually mentioning what the product or service is? The goal very often is to get your email address, which will then result in a SPAM filled inbox. Other times the goal is to get you to a personal phone representation where suddenly the free opportunity turns out to not be so free anymore.

To not be taken in by a scam artist but to find a genuine free home based internet business opportunity, it is important that you know how much money you need to make – bottom line – and how much time you are able to devote to the business. Knowing this will permit you to find different avenues of success. Perhaps your free home based internet business could be that of an affiliate, a sales rep, a freelance writer, a survey taker, or a host of other occupations.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Denver schools are a model of good health

Colorado has a reputation as one of the healthiest places to live in the country. Lots of skiers and healthy outdoors types usually come to mind. Denver Schools are doing their best to make that perception a reality. Denver Public Schools Student Services and the Nutrition Center have created a unique health initiative to bring information and medical attention to needy children in Denver Schools. The Nutrition Center is run by the University of Denver and is aimed at providing communities like Denver Schools with ways to improve the problems of childhood obesity and malnutrition.

With community funding from the CU Cancer Center, and partnerships with other community educators, Denver Schools offer a variety of nutrition and medical programs. The Center for Human Nutrition provides Denver Schools’ 3rd and 4th graders with classes on healthy eating and behaviors. The Denver School Based Health Centers now are present in 7 high schools, 3 middle schools, and 3 elementary schools. These centers are placed in areas with higher poverty and increased risk. Counseling, pregnancy care, and private health care reach the corners of the Denver Schools District with the greatest need.

These partnerships between Denver Schools and community businesses reach even further than school boundaries. The Colorado Nutrition Network used the collaboration to create an educational program in the Denver Schools community aimed towards at-risk residents. Denver Schools expect these programs to have far reaching effects that will impact concerns like dropout rates and student test scores.

Many reports linking childhood obesity to diseases such as diabetes make the Denver Schools initiative a program watched by many around the country. It is considered a national model and offers resources and assistance to other school districts that wish to implement a similar program.

Denver Schools also benefits from a University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center program that may contribute to the future health of students at Denver Schools for years to come. Each year high school students in Denver Schools can apply for one of the Summer Cancer Fellowships Programs to do research and clinic work at the Health Sciences Center. The National Cancer Institute funds this program that benefits many students at Denver Schools each year.

Denver Schools also team with University Hospital to provide middle school children with an opportunity to shadow a hospital employee for a day. While these programs may not address every issue that Denver Schools face, they are positive steps away from raising children who watch TV, play video games and eat junk food to the exclusion of all other activities. Denver Schools are clearly aware of the correlation between household income and poor nutrition. They are one of the few districts in the county that have taken active and effective steps to slowing down and reversing this trend. Teachers, principals and superintendents nationwide will watch Denver Schools to assess their results and mimic their actions.

Party poker review

Party Poker is one of the world's largest online poker rooms with over 70,000 players. They cover almost 60% of the online poker market. Now what this means to you as a poker player is that with the large number of players and rooms you will never have to wait for a game, the player quality is relatively poor compared to rooms like Ultimate Bet and Poker Stars. As mentioned earlier start playing with play money and once you get hold of the game you may jump to the real money game. They have around 18,500 - 19,200 ring game players and 26,700 - 28,000 tournaments players live during peak hours.

Party Poker has some great signup bonus offers, $25 extra, 20% extra up to $100 and free entry to the partypoker. com million qualifying tournaments ($34 value) with your first deposit. The requirements to clear the bonus is pretty simple, you have to play 5 times the raked hands of the bonus amount i. e. if the bonus value is $25 you need to play 125 raked hands. The time period to finish the raked hands is 30 days. Party Poker offers standard game variety like Texas holdem, omaha hi and hi/lo and 7 card stud hi and hi/lo but does not offer 5 card draw poker and 1-on-1 tournaments. Limit Texas holdem game is the major traffic puller at party poker. Remember these are only real money player statistics.

They also have beginners live game tables reserved for new real money players only. New real money players can play on these tables for 45 days after they have set up a real money account. Where to go? Just log in to your account, go to the main lobby, click on the real money heading and then select beginners. Then choose a table and start playing. Following games and stakes are offered for beginners.

1. Game: Texas Hold'em

2. Limits: $.5/$1, $1/$2, $2/$4 and $3/$6

They also have good round the clock customer service, including both text and voice based. Party Poker also has a fairly good retention program and they recently started the Player's club and we expect them to come up with more programs soon. Good luck and play safe. :-)

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Polar heart rate monitors

Knowing your blood pressure and heart rate can show you how healthy you are. There are easy-to-use machines that you can purchase who enable anyone to check these rates themselves.

Blood pressure and heart rate monitors are something that you will want to consider purchasing, especially if your family has a history of heart disease or you suffer from high blood pressure. Blood pressure and heart rate let you know how healthy your body is and how stressful your life is, so you will want to keep track of your blood pressure. Your heart rate and blood pressure are part of the ways that the doctor checks to see how you are doing. This is usually the first thing that the nurse or doctor checks when you visit the doctor’s office.

There are many different types of blood pressure monitors and Polar heart rate monitors. The traditional blood pressure monitors that you normally see your doctor use is called a sphygmomanometer. This is the one that they pump up with a cuff on your arm that becomes tighter and tighter. This one has a pressure gauge that the doctor or nurse watches to help them find your blood pressure reading. Usually, the heart rate is taken at the same time with a stethoscope. Taking the blood pressure and heart rate with these traditional methods took some time and experience to learn. It gives the most accurate reading, however.

The good news is that you don’t have to go through training to learn how to take your blood pressure and heart rate. Electronic blood pressure and Polar heart rate monitors are available that are simple and easy to use. You only need to properly attach the cuff and push a button. The electronic machine does the rest of the work. It takes your heart rate, too, and it is displayed on the LCD display for you to keep track of. This is a great choice for the elderly or those who do not have the experience to take their blood pressure the traditional way.

These blood pressure monitors can make it a lot easier to keep track of your blood pressure and heart rate. These electronic blood pressure and Polar heart rate monitors can make life much easier so that you can take proper care of your body and your health. That is very important.

If you need to keep track of your blood pressure and heart rate, you may want to consider purchasing a Polar heart rate monitor and/or an electronic blood pressure monitor. This will give you one tool in helping to keep you as healthy as possible for as long as you can.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Why you should never pay to gamble with a cash advance

Being a compulsive gambler is never really a good thing. That is simple really: you don't ever want to over-gambler, especially when you can't pay for your next "fix." Compulsive gambling is a disease, no matter how you look it; and like any disease-mental or physical-you must take a practical approach to diagnosing your problem and overcoming it.

Most gamblers will use their own money. But if they become a compulsive gambler, they will continue to use whatever money they can borrow, whether it means secretly mortgaging the house or taking out a loan. Some go to a casino and think of using just $50; then that figure goes up as they think the next big win is just around the corner.

A cash advance for a gambler is a disaster just waiting to happen and should never be taken.

A compulsive gambler who can't pay for his addiction through his own money is in trouble; and if he applies for a cash advance to help him, then he will be in even bigger trouble then before. He could and probably will end up in a huge mountain of debt with no feasible method of escape.

A compulsive gambler taking a cash advance is not good for the simple reason that he probably won't and or can't pay it back, even if he has a regular income; it can be difficult for them and that is why a cash advance for a gambler is a pitfall itself. The cash advance company does not know much about the person who is applying for a cash advance, except for the information that they fill in on the cash advance form.

This means that they don't know if a person is a compulsive gambler or not, so they presume that he will use the money wisely and then pay them back there amount every month. Of course, the gambler will think that his next big win is around the corner, but a gambler can never know when the next big win is.

If you are thinking about taking a cash advance to pay for time at a casino, you should instead think of how you can reduce the amount of gambling you do, so that it remains a recreational activity and not an addiction that controls your life.

Hip hop fashion

Generally Hip Hop clothing is broken into classic styles and modern styles. The former is defined as styles from the seventies and eighties and the later the very late eighties, nineties and after the year two thousand.

Classic Hip Hop includes large glasses, multi-finger rings, gold necklaces, and Adidas shell toes with oversized laces. Hair styles took on a very strong African American influence, many people choosing jheri curls, chains and dreadlocks. Red-black-and-green became common color pallets, made famous by several prominent actors and actresses. This time period was one of establishing Hip Hop as a movement and a very distinctive culture and modern Hip Hop clothing and culture owes its popularity to these 1980s roots.

The more modern style taken in by Hip Hop has much been effected by rap artists who made popular the wearing of brighter colors, often in neon, and wearing usual clothing items in unusual ways. Baseball hats at various angles and clothing worn backwards are good examples of this. As styles closed in on the year 2000 Hip Hop clothing took on an influence from thugs and inmates, larger clothing, belt less pants and military accents became a prime point of recognition of Hip Hop style. Other marks of this change of trend were flannel over shirts and gold teeth, or at least gold fixtures placed over one's real dental pallet.

Currently there are many places where Hip Hop clothing can be acquired. Some of the simplest pieces may come from the corner thrift shop or flea market, but as the Hip Hop style has progressed in complexity and popularity it has been picked up by many big markets, charging a big dollar for what they provide. In order to push back against this trend online websites such as urbanhotlist. com have sprung up, offering discounted brand names and a place to fill many needs at once.

Many advantages and disadvantages exist when it comes to working with an online sales site, like urbanhotlist. com. Very often you have access to a much broader base of merchandise, and the ability for bulk ordering allows the prices to be kept very reasonable even after adding the extra charges for shipping and handling.

Some thoughts on planting roses

Although all kinds of gardening is my passion in life, nothing but nothing gives me greater pleasure than my beautiful rose garden. They are just so stunning, and I do really love the colors and the amazing varieties which are available.

To get the best from your rose garden however there are quite a few important pointers to bear in mind, and I would like to share some of these with you.

When the spring comes and the ground is thawed it is time to start planting your rose garden. Roses have actually been a cherished aphrodisiac since biblical times, and have been around for over 3000 years. Despite this, they still hold a particular mystery and fascination, not to mention the fact that they look and smell fantastic.

One of the most important rules of growing roses is to plant the rose bush in an area that receives around 4 to 6 hours of sunlight every day. It is also advisable not to plant too many trees or other plants around the rose bush, because many of these are likely to either mix with the rose or stifle it's growth. If you are replacing an old rose bush, approximately 1-1/2 cubic feet of old soil should be removed, and fresh soil added to replace it. When positioning your rose in the garden or landscape, make sure that you consider the growth characteristics of the rose in question.

To give you an example, place climbers and ramblers along fences, trellises, or next to arches or pergolas. This location offers them unrestricted growth and greatly increases the potential for some superb looking blooms.

Roses also look really beautiful in island beds mixed in with perennials, and miniature roses make great edging plants in front of the taller varieties. If you plant them singly, shrub roses can make excellent specimen plants, or they can be clustered to make a flowering hedge. You can also use them to camouflage unsightly parts of your garden.

Dig a hole large enough for the root mass, and loosen the bottom of the hole. I suggest that you should also add some bone meal which is a slow acting source of phosphorus. This leads to healthy root growth in the rose plant.

The plant should then be placed in the hole very carefully and the hole refilled with soil, making sure that the roots are properly covered. Water the rose plant well, and let it absorb the water before applying the final covering of soil. When this has been completed, water the plant some more and create a mound of soil about 6 inches high. The dome will keep the stems from drying out until the plant is rooted. Gradually remove the excess soil as the leaves start to open.

Special care should be taken with the planting depth, which varies considerably according to the climate you live in.

If you live in a colder area, plant a bit deeper and consult with other people growing roses in your area. If you are buying potted roses, you should plant them about 1 inch deeper than their potted level. The best time to plant roses varies depending on the winter temperature.

Where temperatures don't drop below -10 degrees F in either fall or spring, planting is satisfactory. If you live in an area where winter temperatures drop below -10 degrees F, spring planting is preferable. Plants should be planted in a dormant condition if purchased bare root, but container grown plants may be planted throughout the growing season.

Spacing of the rose plant is highly influenced by the temperature. In regions where winters are severe, the rose plant does not grow so large as when in mild climates. Taking this into consideration, hybrid tea roses should be spaced 1-1/2 to 3 feet apart, but large vigorous growers such as hybrid perpetuals will need 3 to 5 feet of space, while the climbers need from 8 to 10 feet of space.

If the winter temperature is below 10 degrees F, roses can grow healthily if proper care is taken, so the gardener must be prepared to endure that cold and probably wet experience. In colder areas, roses enjoy their last fertilization of the season by August 15th or thereabouts.

These few pointers will help to ensure that your roses grow well, and bloom nicely all summer long.

I would also like to share with you a few important additional thoughts on how you can avoid the diseases which can attack your roses.

To make sure that your most prized roses are in the pink or even red of their health, simply follow these tips on dealing with the most common rose health problems.

Black Spots On Leaves.

This disease is commonly known as black spot. Black spots appear as circular with fringed edges on the leaves, and they cause them to yellow. The solution is to remove the infected foliage and pick up any fallen leaves around the rose. Artificial sprays can be used to prevent or treat this kind of rose disease.

Stunted Or Malformed Young Canes.

Known as powdery mildew, this is a fungal disease that covers leaves stems and buds with wind spread white powder. It makes the leaves curl and turn purple. Spray with Funginex or Benomyl to treat this particular disease which could totally ruin your rose garden.

Blistered Underside Of Leaves.

A disease of roses known as rust, it is characterized with orange-red blisters that turn black in fall. In spring it will attack the new sprouts, and this disease can even survive the winter.

What you should do is to collect and discard leaves that are infected in fall, and also spraying Benomyl and Funginex every 7-10 days will help.

Malformed Or Stunted Leaves And Flowers

The one most likely cause of this is the presence of spider mites. These are tiny yellow red or green spiders which cling to the underside of the leaves. They will suck the juices from the leaves, but the application of Orthene or Isotox may help in treating this infestation.

Weak And Mottled Leaves Showing Tiny White Webs Underneath.

This might be caused by aphids, which are small soft-bodied insects which are usually brown green or red. Often found clustered under leaves and flower buds, they suck plant juices from tender buds. However Malathion or Diazinon spray may help roses to survive these bugs.

Flowers That Do Not Open Or Are Deformed When They Do Open.

Thrips could be the reason behind this deformation and unopened flowers, which is characterized with slender brown-yellow bugs with fringed wings thriving in the flower buds. They will also

suck the juices from the flower buds, so therefore you should cut and discard all infested flowers. Using Orthene and Malathion will also treat this health problem with your roses.

I do hope that the information I have given you regarding the diseases that you can find in roses will prove very helpful in making your rose gardening more rewarding and fruitful.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

The story of tea drinking

The story of tea begins over four and a half thousand years ago. According to Chinese mythology, in 2737 BC the Chinese Emperor, Shen Nung, scholar and herbalist, was sitting beneath a tree while his servant boiled drinking water. A leaf from the tree dropped into the water and Shen Nung decided to try the brew. The tree was a wild tea tree.

From the earliest times tea was renowned for its properties as a healthy, refreshing drink. By the third century AD many stories were being told and some written about tea and the benefits of tea drinking, but it was not until the Tang Dynasty (618 AD - 906 AD) that tea became China's national drink and the word ch'a was used to describe tea.

Tea drinking has been practiced throughout the world for hundreds of years. From the imperial court of ancient China to the Russian tea room, from the Japanese tea ceremony to British village tea shops, the soothing, healing and invigorating effects of tea have been appreciated and understood by many peoples.

Tea is a naturally refreshing drink and taken on its own it has no calories, so it's the perfect drink to keep you looking good and feeling fit. When taken with milk, four cups of tea a day can provide you with significant amounts of the following nutrients: approximately 17% of the recommended intake for calcium, 5% for zinc, 22% for Vitamin B2, 5% for folic acid, and Vitamins B1 and B6.

A cup of tea is also a good source of manganese, which is essential for general physical development, and potassium which helps to maintain your body's fluid balance.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Air purifiers top buying tips

A wide range of air cleaner related searches could possibly have led you to a air purifier or house and home targeted directory, queries like "deals on rain fresh RFA 3500 Air Purifier Ozonators" or "guides on Friedrich C 90A Electronic Air Purifiers", the real trick with any house and home portal is to navigate directly to the website menu, if you take this advice you should hopefully not be side tracked by air cleaner articles which are about an area of air purifiers that is not applicable .

Many air cleaner specialists and other folk that may work with or have some involvement with air purifiers can easily be discovered via the regional telephone listings, there should be numerous listings of people who are associated in some way with air purifiers and such people could save you a considerable amount of your valuable time by assisting you with your air purifier focused issues.

It might be you get hold of a Honeywell 20500 Enviracaire True HEPA Filter and down the road discover that the air purifier merchant you ordered it from had not sold the goods at the most competitive price, to be assured this never comes about some other time make an effort to conduct an online cost comparison or check a good multitude of air cleaner online outlets first, it may be a Honeywell 17005 QuietCare is marked up at for a particular price on one site but is marked up at ten percent less on another, some great deals can be found if you do some research.

It could very well be you buy a Honeywell 20500 Enviracaire True Hepa Filter and a little later find that the air purifier merchant you got it from did not supply the goods at the lowest price, to be certain that this never comes about some other time make sure you carry out an online price review or check a reasonable variety of air purifier merchants first, it may be a Hunter 35160 CareFree 1 Gallon Vaporizer is being sold for a certain price on one internet store however is being marketed for forty percent lower on another, some great deals can be found if you look around.

This air cleaner research tip is pretty important, instead of just searching for a research term such as "air purifiers ", you should certainly use of a longer search engine request such as"low cost air purifiers" or "dehimidifier guides", if you do this your results will then be highly related to your exact air purifier necessities.

Convenience when purchasing specific products like rain fresh RFA 3500 Air Purifier Ozonators or MULTI TECH Intelli Pro Intelligent Air Purifers is a subject that no individual should ever take for granted, you should value the websites that supply useful air purifier ordering facilities and take their info for the future.

specific air purifiers might not turn out to be that easy to come across, lets imagine you are wishing to buy Honeywell Charcoal Prefilters it might be that you may have to purchase your products directly from a air purifier manufacturer, even the top sites might not always solve every air cleaner purchasers requirements however a large number of house and home items can be acquired by some means.

A substantial number of air cleaner merchants should be helpful and a small minority really poor, if someone needs local house and home guidance it might very well be best to send your local sources of air purifier expertise a brief email, make it as clear as you can and include something a lot like this "are you able to help me with Bell Ionic Whisper Air Purifiers or Hunter 35180 CareFree 1 5 Gallon Vaporizers", the contents on the email depend on what type of air cleaner product you are mostly interested in.

Before you contemplate any air purifier purchase you should make sure that the house and home source you might be purchasing from gives you the belief that obtaining your cash back and product exchanged if needed will never be a hassle, changing or part exchanging a Honeywell HFD 120 Tower Hepa Air Purifier for a Sharper Image Professional Series Ionic Breeze Quadra Silent Air Purifier must never turn out to be a situation.

How to spice up a boring blog life

There is nothing worse than coming across a boring blog. The difficult thing is that what is boring to one person might be interesting to another. Therefore, you really need to focus on your readers when creating new text and posts for your blog. If you want the blog to be successful, you cannot simply expect your day to day activities to be enough information to keep the readers interested. If you post that you went to the grocery, came home, and then ate dinner, you can expect the readers to be bored out of their minds. If you find humor in your activities or if you tell them in an interesting manner, you might keep their attention even when using the same day to day activities. If you want to spice up a boring blog, you can also use these tips to get things moving in the right direction.

Allow Comments

One big mistake boring bloggers make is to not allow comments. You should always allow people to comment on your blog. You may not always like what they have to say, but their comments alone will help your blog seem more interesting to anyone who reads it. If you want to be sneaky, you can even comment on your blog yourself, using a different name. This can quickly create a controversy that some readers will appeal to. Try being honest and letting the readers comment themselves, but if all else fails, use the sneaky approach to break the ice. Once one person makes a comment, others will be more likely to comment as well. This will help get things going and make your blog a place to bounce ideas off of others.

Ask Questions

Another great way to provoke your readers to participate is to ask open-ended questions. You can do this throughout your blog or at the end. This will be seen by readers as an open invitation to respond. Your questions will get them thinking about what you have to say, whether or not they respond. They will be more likely to come back to your blog to read more about your comments later on. Everyone has an opinion on everything, so go ahead and ask your readers straight out what theirs is.

Use Pictures

If you want to connect more with your readers and keep them interested, try adding pictures to your blog. Adding pictures is simple through your blogging software. Get a digital camera if you don’t already own one so you can update your pictures frequently. By adding pictures that go along best with the content of your posts, you will be connecting with your readers on a more intense level. They will be more entertained and you will have a more interesting blog. Just be sure that you don’t overdo it on the pictures. Place them in appropriate places and don’t use massive pictures or else you might take the risk of having a blog that take ten minutes to load. Do be sure that you use close-ups however. You wouldn’t want to use pictures that were impossible to see on the screen.

Be Personal

When writing your posts, you should always act as if you were talking to a great friend. Some people create boring blogs by writing as if they were writing a textbook. This is a huge mistake. People most often read blogs because they want to be entertained or gather interesting information or opinions. They do not want to read a blog that sounds like a textbook. Try to be a little personal in your blog. Let your own personality shine through. Allow your individual humor to be seen in each post. Your readers will appreciate your honesty and love you for your casual style.

Use these great tips to spice up your blog if it is hitting the boring stretch. A boring blog is one that pains people to read. Keep in mind that successful blogs will make people laugh, think, contemplate, and gain useful information. You can do all of this using these tips. So, get to work and completely transform your boring blog today! You will see an improvement in your traffic and likely enjoy blogging a lot more than before.

Butter cream icing recipes

Recipe 1

1 Ð… cups of different types of vegetable shortenings

1 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons flavors (colorless)

2 pounds of confectioner’s sugar

ј to Ѕ cup of water or milk (water is a good choice, but milk goes well with lavender color)

Combine all the shortenings, flavorings, and salts thoroughly. Add the powdered sugar. Slowly add water and gently mix all the ingredients until well blended. You will notice that after 2-3 minutes, the mixture will become creamy.


a) Try to keep the amount in exactly the same quantity as mentioned above. If you introduce lots of variations, you may not get the desired butter cream icing.

b) If you want to make your icing thin, add three to four big spoonfuls of corn syrup.

c) If you want to make chocolate butter cream, all you need to do is add Ñ• cup of cocoa powder or three one ounce chocolate squares, mixed with one to two tablespoons of milk, to the other ingredients and proceed to mix well.

Recipe 2

Ð… cup vegetable shortening

Ð… cup of soft butter (you can add margarine also)

4 cups of confectioner’s sugar

2 tablespoons water (milk)

Ð… teaspoon almond, for flavor

A dash of salt

Mix the shortening, butter, and almond. Add confectioner’s sugar and gently mix by hand. Continue to add other ingredients and mix quickly, for six to seven minutes.

Here, too, you can add ј or 1/3 cup of cocoa powder to make chocolate butter cream.

If the icing is quite thin, you may add more powdered sugar, and in case you find it stiff, put a few drops of water or milk into it.

Recipe 3

Butter cream icing, which has a snow-white appearance as well as a yummy taste, is the best choice for frosting a cake. This so-called “snow white butter cream” is mostly used for decorating wedding cakes or any flat-surfaced cake and for making nail flowers. Remember to dry the flowers uncovered for at least a day. Flowers like apple blossoms or drop flowers are ready for use after four to five hours of air drying.

The good thing about snow-white butter cream is that it does not need refrigeration to become consistent and boasts a delicious taste as well. Here’s a recipe for this delicious icing:

2/3 cup of water

4 tablespoons of meringue powder

12 cups confectioner’s sugar

1 ј cups vegetable shortening

Ñ• teaspoon salt

Ð… teaspoon almond (for flavor)

Ð… teaspoon vanilla (for flavor)

ј teaspoon butter (for flavor)

Combine water and meringue powder in a bowl and mix it fast. Next, add four cups of confectioner’s sugar, one at a time. Mix the sugar at fast speed and lower the speed with each addition. Add the shortening, remaining sugar, salt, almond, vanilla, and butter, and mix them gently.

Note: All of the above butter cream icings are easy to make and yummy to taste, you can make all of them at one time and determine which one best suits the different designs on your cake.

Purposeful investing

It would be hard to develop a strategy to pay off your debt if you had no idea how much debt you had. It’s just as difficult to develop an appropriate investing strategy if you don’t have a reason for investing. Without a purpose, it’s impossible to make decisions about the type of investments you should invest in, and without a goal - how do you measure your level of success?

People invest for a wide variety of reasons. The most common reason people invest is to save for their retirement. Most people want to stop working at a certain age, in order to enjoy the last years of their life without the stress of going to work every day. The only way it’s possible for people who are not independently wealthy (by an inheritance or a business that will operate without the owner’s input, for example) is to have money saved that can be used to pay expenses and entertainment costs once a person retires.

The other common reason why people invest their money is to reach a certain short-term financial goal.

Investing for Short Term Goals

While most people first think of retirement and long term investing when they think of investing, there are many instances when investing also includes short term goals. Buying a new vehicle, going on your dream vacation or purchasing a new home are all examples of short term investment opportunities.

Short term investing requires different strategies than long term investing, which makes understanding your investing purpose all that much more important!

If your idea is to have another income stream to supplement your salary, or to help you purchase items you don’t have the cash saved to buy, your investment portfolio should contain a mix of short and long term investments that pay dividends. It should contain low risk, high yield bonds.

If your investment purpose is to save for a specific purchase - perhaps your dream home or to take a vacation, it helps to know how much the purchase will cost and when you need the money. Armed with that information you can develop a strategy for investing.

Short term investments are known to be more challenging than long term investments, particularly if you’re not starting out with large amounts of money. Short term investments tend to carry higher levels of risk; but they also have the greatest possibilities for high returns.

Investing for Long Term Goals

The earlier you begin investing for retirement, the higher the amount of money you can create. Young investors can take advantage of compound interest, and even choose riskier investments that could result in higher returns because they have so much longer to recover from a loss than a person who is closer to their retirement age.

As you get closer to your retirement years, your long term investing strategy should contain much less risky investments - including bonds and securities, to help minimize your risks for losing your investment. The lower risk investments have lower rates of return, but should steadily increase.

Retirement investment portfolios typically contain a mix of various stocks, bonds, debt securities, index funds and money markets. Company sponsored retirement plans are great, particular those that match your contributions. It helps you build your nest egg a little faster and stretch your own investment dollars further.

As you age and get closer and closer to retirement, you should move your investments into guaranteed investments (like high interest savings accounts that are insured by the FDIC) to preserve your money so you know it’s there when you need it!

Understanding supplemental group term life insurance

What is Supplemental Group Term Life Insurance?

Supplemental group term life insurance is an added benefit if you are already covered under a group policy through your employer. Usually group coverage is not as comprehensive as you may desire as policies are written according to what would benefit the group as a whole. As an individual with a family of your own, you may have different needs that are not covered through a group plan. If you find yourself in this position, buying a supplemental term life policy would be a wise decision.

An employee is eligible for supplemental term life insurance if he or she performs all of their regular duties on a full-time basis (check with your employer as some companies consider “full-time” as 17.5 hours or more while other companies require you work the full 40 hour weeks). Again, you must already be covered under your company’s basic group term life insurance policy. Spouses and dependent children are also eligible for coverage if you buy a policy of your own.

What are the Benefits to Adding a Supplement?

There are a couple of benefits to purchasing supplemental term life insurance. The first is a waiver of premium. If you become completely disabled prior to your 65th birthday, the insurance company will continue to keep your policy intact and active until you become 65 years old. The stipulation is that your disability must last for nine consecutive months before the benefit can begin. If your disability continues indefinitely, the insurance company will not collect any further payments of premium from you. An individual is considered “totally disabled” when that individual is unable to work at any occupation collecting wages because of injury or illness. You must also provide proof of continuing disability annually.

A second benefit to taking out a supplemental term life insurance policy is the Accelerated Living benefit. If an individual is diagnosed with a terminal illness and given only 12 months or less to live, that individual may apply for a percentage of their combined basic group and supplemental term life insurance policies. The percentage is usually paid in a lump sum. Check with your carrier, as the benefit is usually 50% of the active face value amounts or $50,000.00, whichever is less. While an employee and their spouse are eligible for the accelerated living benefits, children of the employee are not. In most cases, coverage is portable -- which means you can take your coverage with you if you retire, reduce your hours or change jobs.

The only exclusion is the standard waiver of benefit payment should the employee or their spouse/dependents commit suicide within the first two years that the policy came into effect. Check with your carrier as in some states this exclusion applies to both sane and insane individuals while some states only the sane.

How Age Affects Your Policy

While premiums for supplemental term life insurance are literally just a couple to a few dollars per month, the rates are affected by age. The premium is based on attained age and then increases at various steps. You would have to check with your carrier for their specific criteria. Age 70 is a defining milestone for supplemental term life insurance policies.

Beginning at age 70, your coverage is reduced to 65% of original certificate face value. Beginning at age 75, you coverage is reduced to 45% of original certificate face value. Beginning at age 80, your coverage is reduced to 30% of original certificate face value.

One thing to keep in mind is that spousal coverage terminates at age 70. If the premiums are current, your spouse may choose to convert their individual coverage to a term life insurance policy of their own. Your dependents may also choose to convert their policies after their dependent status expires. They can obtain term life insurance policies in the amount of $25,000.00 or $50,000.00.

Supplemental term life insurance is a wonderful benefit as you can give your family an additional benefit of up to $270,000.00.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Lose your fear and look after those pearly whites

If you asked most people to make a list of the things that they dread, many of them would put “going to the dentist” up near the top. Though dentists actually do work that relieves pain and makes a person healthier, they are some of the most feared and loathed workers on the planet. People simply hate everything about going to the dentist. This fear is quite common, though. Because dentist’s offices are probably places where people have had bad experiences in youth, they are locations where we don’t want to go as adults. This deep seated fear goes way back and in order for it to stop, the issues behind the fear must be addressed.

Maybe you broke a tooth as a child and you had a very painful experience at the dentist. Maybe you were like most people who ate too much candy and you suffered many cavities that required painful drilling. Many people hate going to the dentist because they associate the smells and sounds with pain. This is completely normal. As a hypnotherapist, I have seen clients come to me who get a chill up their spine when talking about their fear of going to the dentist. In the end, it is a fear that must be conquered, though. You will eventually have to go to the dentist for some reason and you won’t be able to squirm around in your chair like you did as a child.

Hypnotherapy is not just something you see mocked in the movies. Though it is true that Las Vegas magic shows use hypnosis in some of their tricks, it isn’t simply a magic trick. Hypnosis is a real solution to very real problems. People are often treated for things like smoking, slimming, and stress related issues with hypnotherapy treatment. People who suffer from fear of the dentist can be treated using hypnosis, as well.

If you are a person who just can’t stand that dentist’s chair, then you should read up on hypnotherapy and figure out if it is right for you. A complete change in mindset could be what you need in order to fight your problem. I have seen people make a complete turn around on their fears when they come in for hypnotherapy treatment. It really is a solution that could impact your life positively from this day forward. Grab information on a self-hypnosis kit or read up on hypnotherapy. This will allow you to make permanent changes in your life.

7 reasons you need to market with articles now

Looking for a simple way to get an edge on your competition?

Successful businesses who are in it for the long haul continually apply innovative marketing strategies and tactics to differentiate themselves and get that edge. Two such killer marketing strategies are positioning and relationship building. And guess what? Article marketing is a proven tactic that just happens to address both of those marketing strategies. Is it the “be all, end all” of positioning and relationship building? Absolutely not. However, it is an excellent step in the right direction. And on top of that, there’s probably a good chance that your competition is not using this tactic. Face it. It takes some time, skill, and effort to write and effectively use articles, that’s why the masses don’t do it however, those looking for an edge do.

So why choose article marketing as one of you marketing tactics? Here are 7 exceptional reasons:

1. It is quite simple. People love to buy from and deal with the best. Writing and effectively marketing your articles helps you position yourself as the expert in your field.

2. Let's take this first concept a step further for reason #2. Let’s be blunt here, as an expert, you can justifiably increase your rates and charge more for your products.

3. If your articles are good and distributed properly, they can spread like wildfire and literally cause a viral marketing frenzy. Ultimately driving business your way.

4. A big part of Internet marketing has to do with the Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. It’s critical that we play their game. That being said, Search Engines love content such as articles! Many Internet marketers try the latest fad to trick Search Engines into getting a better ranking. If you have a lot of time and/or money on your hands to keep up with the latest trends and the ever changing Search Engine rules, then do what you feel is right. However, one tactic still holds true with improving Search Engine ranking, and that’s article marketing.

5. People love to be and feel well informed – It helps them make better decisions. Your articles can serve as the source for the input they seek. And who better to buy from then the source that provided the information in the first place.

6. Talk about getting major bang for the buck, articles can easily be repurposed in a variety of ways. For example:

==> They can become content for your or someone else's newsletter;

==> Used as free giveaways to prospects/clients, in seminars, at networking events, etc;

==> Used to spark conversation in a blog or an online networking group such as Ryze;

==> Combine multiple articles into an eBook, book or info-product that can be sold or given away in exchange for contact information;

==> Become the basis for a live seminar or teleseminar;

==> And we can go on and on and on.

7. Articles when distributed properly are a great way to stay in touch with clients and prospects. Studies have shown that on average it takes around 7 touches before a prospect buys. Why not use articles as some of those touches? This will help continually boost your prospect’s perception of you as someone who consistently adds value.

We live in an age where information is king. We all know something others would be interested in knowing. Share your knowledge and like a magnet you’ll draw your prospects towards you.

© 2006 Online Marketing Muscle -- All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Taking a brief look down birth control history

A controversial topic such as birth control may seem like a modern issue, but it's not. Contraceptives have been used in one form or another for thousands of years throughout human history and even prehistory. In fact, family planning has always been widely practiced, even in societies dominated by social, political, or religious codes that require people to “be fruitful and multiply.”

The history of birth control can be traced back many centuries. In fact, women all over the world have been using birth control method even before there were any modern medical contraceptive innovations or procedures. However, many of these pre-modern methods were not always as safe or effective as those available today.

Centuries ago, Chinese women drank lead and mercury to control fertility, which often resulted in sterility or death. During the Middle Ages in Europe, magicians advised women to wear the testicles of a weasel on their thighs or hang its amputated foot from around their necks. Other amulets of the time were wreaths of herbs, desiccated cat livers or shards of bones from cats (but only the pure black ones), flax lint tied in a cloth and soaked in menstrual blood, or the anus of a hare. It was also believed that a woman could avoid pregnancy by walking three times around the spot where a pregnant wolf had urinated.

In 1850 B. C., the earliest known contraceptive device for women was the pessary. Pessaries are objects or concoctions inserted into the vagina to block or kill sperm. By 1850 B. C., Egyptians used pessaries made of crocodile dung, honey, and sodium carbonate. Crocodile dung is alkaline.

The condom was invented in Egypt around 3000 B. C. Ancient drawings clearly depict men wearing condoms, sometimes made of material that may have been animal hide. It's not clear what they were made of or whether they were used for sex or ceremonial dress. The oldest known condoms which dated to about 1640 were found in Dudley Castle near Birmingham, England. They were made of fish and animal intestines. Condoms in those days were used to prevent sexually transmitted diseases rather than for contraception.

Charles Goodyear patents vulcanization of rubber in 1844. Soon, rubber condoms are mass produced. Unlike modern condoms that are made to be used once and thrown away, early condoms were washed, anointed with petroleum jelly, and put away in special wooden boxes for later reuse.

On 1906, Cyrus McCormick, inventor of the mechanical harvester, is diagnosed with schizophrenia. His wife, Katherine, dreads passing on the mental illness to future children. Later, she forms a partnership with birth control pioneer Margaret Sanger. She funds contraception research with her sizeable fortune.

And the result was the development of the birth control pill. The first birth control pills which were introduced more than 40 years ago, contained high levels of estrogen and progestin.

A major achievement in the history of medical science was the introduction of birth control pills. It was an answer for women who faced problems during abortions. During the 1960s, the Searle drug company receives FDA approval for Enovid, the first birth control pill. “The Pill” revolutionizes contraception. It's 100% effective but has terrible side effects, including life-threatening blood clots.

Today, it is well known that the condom is the only effective barrier to HIV and to many, but not all other sexually transmitted diseases or STDs. Despite this, neither condoms nor other forms of contraception are used consistently by those who most need them.

Women today have many more choices to make with birth control than they did in the centuries ago, when abstinence, withdrawal, and condoms made of linen cloth or animal intestines were the only known options. With all of the reliable and more hygienic modern contraception methods out there today, finding the one that’s right for her lifestyle and health history can be a bit confusing.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Quiz your friendships - who is playing games

Game playing is as old as civilization. Positive games enhance the relationship, while negative games can damage the relationship. Let me give you an example of positive game. You know that one of your friends is suffering from inferiority. You play the game of appreciating him/her at every opportunity. This can help your friend regain self-esteem. This game playing is good. Most of the positive games are played consciously, while a majority of negative games are played subconsciously. Let us talk about one of them.

I am better than you and others. This game is played at two levels. I am better at one level and you all have some deficiencies at the other level. Those who need to get self-esteem play this game. They have a very low self esteem and need to prove that they are good. The only way they find is in putting down others and raising ones profile.

This and such other games can damage friendships. You have friends to share pains and pleasures. Your friends are not there to get hit by your criticism. They would avoid you after sometime. Bitter feelings would develop between the game player and the friends and the friends will surely and slowly move away. This game can be dangerous if played by the boss in office. There is no escape there. Once you realize that your boss is playing this game you can look at his/her behavior clinically and remain unaffected. The remedy in all the situations is to watch the game and remain unaffected by it. If possible, talk to your friend and boss and tell them about the way the game is being played by them. That may help them find their self-esteem in other ways.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

5 tips to having excellent communication in your daycare

One of the biggest reasons for parent dissatisfaction is lack of communication. It’s extremely important in any small business and especially in family daycare. Remember daycare centers are taking care of a persons must valuable asset, their child. So it only goes to show that a parent is concerned about the level and commitment of care that they are receiving from a daycare provider. Communication is of such importance, not only does it show that you care about your clients, but also that you are a professional in the daycare industry.

1. When a parent comes at the end of the day to pick up their child, always start out a conversation with positive information. If there is anything negative to say about a child place that information in the middle of a conversation. So in other words, start with positive comments, than negative, and always end in positive.

2. When interviewing parents for enrollment to your daycare, always ask many questions regarding a families habits and patterns. What do they enjoy doing on weekend, what are their concerns regarding childcare, what are they looking for? Really try to find out what kind of family your customer is and what their needs are. Chances are you will be better off filling their needs if you know who they are from the very beginning.

3. Establish your rules and guidelines from the beginning. Having a contract stating your rules and regulations establishes a boundary in your business. So many times I hear from other daycare owners that parents do not respect their wishes. From the start you need to set the rules and boundaries, if you don’t parents may take advantage of you.

4. Always give parents enough time and warning. If you plan on closing your daycare, raising your prices, or making any type of change give your parents enough time. Many people do not do well with change so it’s always important to give them more than enough time to make the appropriate changes.

5. Once a year do a survey in your daycare. Find out if your parents are happy and what kind of improvements they are looking for. The more information you find out about your parents and what they want the better off you will be. Make sure that the survey is anonymous so that parents are not afraid to tell you their thoughts and opinions.

© CG Groth Inc. 2006

How to get affordable car insurance in maryland

If you drive a car on any public road in Maryland you must have car insurance. That’s the law. If you break this law you are subject to some rather severe penalties which include (but are not limited to) having your registration revoked and having your car’s license plates confiscated. There can be additional penalties as well.

In Maryland you are required to carry liability insurance, uninsured motorist insurance (UM) and you must carry personal injury protection (PIP). If your car is financed then your lender will undoubtedly require that you also carry collision and comprehensive insurance as well.

None of this insurance is free, which has many motorists in Maryland scrambling to get affordable car insurance. Fortunately there are things you can do to help keep the cost of insuring car as low as possible.

The first thing you need to do is to resolve to drive safely and legally. If you receive a speeding ticket not only will you be forced to pay a hefty court fine, your car insurance rates will also skyrocket – and they will remain high for several years to come.

Likewise, if you are convicted of drunk or impaired driving you can expect to pay two or three times as much for your car insurance for quite some time to come. Speeding and driving under the influence are both things that are totally under your control; if you are convicted of any of these offenses you have no one to blame but yourself for your higher car insurance premiums.

If you are in school and you can maintain a “B” grade point average then you can probably qualify for what is called a Good Student Discount, which translates into a monthly savings of about 5% on your car insurance premiums.

If you are 55 or older you may experience a rate increase based on age. However, many insurance companies encourage their older drivers to take a refresher driver’s course; for those who successfully pass such a course the savings on their monthly car insurance premium can be as great as 10%.

If you have an older car, especially one that is fully paid for, you may wish to consider dropping collision and comprehensive coverage. Dropping those coverages will save you considerably on your insurance premiums.

If you drop collision and comprehensive and you are involved in an accident your insurance will not pay for the repair of your vehicle – but to be honest, if your car has little or no Kelly Blue Book value then your insurance would not have paid much, if anything, even if you had paid for the coverage.

The final thing you can do is to increase your deductible. The more money you are willing to pay out of your own wallet any time you have a claim, the less your insurance company will charge you in premiums.

Now that you have designed the best possible car insurance policy for your circumstances it is time for you to get online and compare car insurance policies between different insurance companies and their rates. If you truly want to get affordable car insurance in Maryland then you will need to fill out all of the required information on at least 3 different comparison websites. In this way you will be certain to be comparing all of the car insurance companies in Maryland and you can rest easy knowing that you have truly found the most affordable car insurance in Maryland.

Wrinkles- stop them and look young for a longtime

A small wrinkle on the young face creates fear of aging. As we grow we get wrinkles. Most of us get wrinkles first and then rush to get costly and painful treatments done to remove them. How about preventing them? I agree that all of them cannot be probably stopped, but some can be for sure. Let me tell you how?

Wrinkles On Skin - How Do They Form?

Sleep on one side for many years and your face on that side will develop wrinkles. Can we not change our sleeping position after every few days? Do that and find out.

Smoke and you pull your muscles near the mouth. You will develop the typical wrinkles of a smoker called smoker lines soon. Stop smoking and stop that. Moreover smoking also forms more free radicals that damage the healthy collagen in the skin and make your skin sag with typical signs under the eyes, cheeks etc.

Go out in the sun and let the UV strike your face. It will damage the skin immediately. Your upper skin will become thin and the lower supporting skin will become thin. This causes more wrinkles as the support goes away from below and the skin sags. Protect yourself from sun. Wear wide brimmed hats, sunglasses and apply a sunscreen of SPF 15 regularly.

Make more gestures with your face and you will get the lines that will become permanent forever after sometime. Make less gestures and expressions with face and stop those wrinkles.

Use antioxidant creams. Use moisturizers-stop skin from drying. Eat healthy food full of Vitamins and antioxidants. Use formulations prepared for boosting collagen production as you age. Take these preventive steps in your youth and the old age may never come to show on your face. Avoid the costly and painful procedures for getting the youth.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

How to relax and rejuvenate your skin

Get a weekly, deep-tissue massage!

This technique allows you to lay down, to get rubbed by another person while listening to soothing music, while you're strengthening your heart, you're improving the oxygen in your cells, you're eliminating cellular waste, you're decreasing blood pressure, you're relieving stress and tension, you're relieving muscle soreness, stimulating all your nerve points in your body, draining the lymphatic system, improving your skin tone and elasticity, etc., etc., etc.

The benefits go on and on and on when it comes to deep-tissue massage.

Now there are a lot of forms of massage out there, but I feel that a "deep-tissue massage" does more to help us look and feel younger than any other form out there.

Personally, I enjoy getting a deep-tissue massage at least once a week, but you could do it at as often as you like.

Once a week does it for me because it doesn't cut too much into my schedule, yet it allows me to get all the benefits that we just spoke about.

If you don't have access to a good massage therapist or have the time to drive to a spa, then drive to a bookstore and get a book on how to give a massage and actually work through the book exchanging weekly or nightly massages with your partner.

Getting a deep-tissue massage will allow every system in your body to work more efficiently, and it'll relax and rejuvenate your skin, allowing it to appear a lot more supple and radiant.

That's it for this week - your homework is to take out the phone book and locate a good, qualified massage therapist and get yourself a deep tissue massage this week.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Home based internet business opportunities - do your homework

If you are going to buy a Television Set, you don’t settle on the first one you see. To ensure you don’t wind up with a “lemon”, you do your “homework” on the Retailer, the Brand Name, the Price and the After Sales Service. Selecting your Home Based Internet Business Opportunity is no different. If anything, it’s far more important.

As you mature in life, it becomes more imperative to secure your financial future. Second jobs have become common-place for those seeking additional income. But with that, comes extra travelling and associated expenses, longer work day hours, additional stress and less “family time”.

The alternatives to earning additional income, whether on a part/or full time basis, is to seek out a suitable Home Based Internet Business Opportunity. If you are reading this, then you obviously have the main tools required to start …. A Computer and the Internet! But beware, success in a Home Based Internet Business Opportunity will not happen overnight. It takes time, patience and commitment to make it work for you. So don’t fire your boss just yet!

Home Based Internet Business Opportunities, or Home Based Internet Earning Opportunities, are growing in number by the day. So finding one is the easy part. Finding the right one requires research ….. so let’s look at some “homework” tips for you.

Undertake a “Google” search selecting keywords such as, “Home Business”, “Work From Home”, “Earn Income at Home”, “Earn Income On The Internet” etc. It’s time consuming but it’s a start. A “Google” search will also be useful in searching out “Online Entrepreneur Magazines”. Both will lead to finding a multitude of Home Based Internet Business Opportunities.

You will then have an idea of the various products being marketed online. Tangible and intangible products can both be very lucrative … Only you can determine the most suitable product niche to fit your zone of comfort and expertise. As well as this, you will need to work out a budget. What can you afford to spend on your Home Based Internet Business Opportunity? Never exceed that budget unless your Income Earning Business is showing a profit.

Ask family, friends and relatives. They may be involved in a Home Based Internet Business and can provide information on how they went about sourcing it out … and as to whether they have had any success.

On-line forums involving those already within the Home Based Internet Business Community provide your greatest insight into Online Income Earning opportunities. After all, they have “been there and done that”. Joining the Forums allows you to access various topics relating to Home Based Internet Business Opportunities, to read information, and to ask questions of other experienced Online Marketers. They are very close-knit Communities and will welcome you warmly. Here are two of the best sites to get involved with:

conqueryourniche. com/forum/Kevin1955

warriorpro. com/cgi-bin/w. cgi?90130

Once you have found a few sites of interest, read all the information you possibly can on the Home Based Internet Business Opportunity. Make sure you understand the nature of the Business, your responsibilities and actions required and, most importantly, your possible financial expenditure. Place more faith in those Webmasters who disclose who they are and who provide genuine contact details. You can always head back to the Forums mentioned above and ask questions too. More than likely, a Forum contributor has experienced or may well be involved with the Home Based Internet Business Opportunity you are interested in.

Generally, if something looks too good to be true, it is. So do your Homework and lessen your chance of failure.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Left handed iron sets

Golf rules allow you to have a maximum of 14 golf clubs in your bag during a game. Each golf club is designed for a different purpose and will hit the ball differently. Golf manufacturers are always striving to create irons that drive the ball higher, further and straighter. If you are a serious left handed golfer, you need a serious left handed iron set to match your serious aspirations. This is why you’ll be able to find a fantastic range of left handed iron sets at Golf Buy It Online.

You’ll be able to find left handed iron sets from all the best names in golf at Golf Buy It Online including Callaway, Cobra, Mizuno, Nike, Ping and many more. Callaway Golf X-20 Steel Shafted Irons, Callaway Golf FT Men’s Steel Shafted Irons and Callaway Golf Big Bertha 6-SW Men’s Steel Shafted Irons are just some of the left handed iron sets available from Callaway. If you’re looking for left handed Cobra iron sets then you’ll be able to find Cobra Golf Transition-S Men’s Graphite Shafted Irons, Cobra Golf S9 Men’s Steel Shafted Irons and Cobra Golf FP Men’s Graphite Shafted Irons at Golf Buy It Online. Nike’s left handed iron sets range comprises of Nike Golf Ignite Steel Shafted Irons, Nike Golf CCI Steel Shafted Irons and Nike Golf Forged Irons as well as many more. Ping have many left handed iron sets to choose from including Ping Golf G10 Steel shafted Irons, Ping Golf Rapture Steel Shafted Irons and Ping Golf i10 Steel Irons.

Golf Buy It Online supplies all of these left handed iron sets and many more at unbeatable prices with the fastest delivery around. We only sell products for companies which we are authorised retailers for, so you can rest assured that you are getting the real deal at the best prices around! Why not click on today and see for yourself?

Friday, November 4, 2016

Sports betting tips how to bet on sports successfully

Sports betting is one of the most exciting types of gambling. The suspense, the tension, the great satisfaction when it turns out that you have made the correct prediction, not to mention the added bonus of winning cash money… Even if you are not a particular sports fan, betting on sports certainly adds an interest in sports.

There is more than one way to bet on sports. You can choose between flying to Vegas and placing a bet at one of the flashy casino sportsbook while watching sports on big plasma screens, staying at home and wagering at one of the thousands of online sportsbooks available on the net, at your neighborhood bookie, your office pool… Wherever you choose to wager, here are some useful sports betting tips.

Sports betting is a game of skill, which takes years of learning and practicing to master and still, even professional gamblers who make their living from betting on sports, lose. It basically means two things: first, intuition and luck are great benefits in sports betting as in other types of gambling, but if you rely exclusively on them, you are doomed to lose lots of money. Second, restrain your expectations and try to have fun.

In sports betting, as in most types of gambling, the advantage is not on your side. However, the knowledgeable bettor has better odds of enjoying a successful sports betting experience than the spontaneous gambler who places a bet following his gut feeling and wishful thinking. Therefore, do your homework and make sure you understand the basics of sports betting.

Learn everything you can about the odds, the type of sports, the teams or players who take part in the match you are betting on. All the information you are seeking is available online within a mouse click distance, so there is no reason to be lazy about it.

If you are betting online, choose only reputable online sportsbooks that have been around for at least a year, are licensed, regulated and members of a gambling association, so if you will not be paid on time, or at all, at least you would have an address for your complaints.

Limit yourself to a small selection of games to wager on. The more games you pick the lower the chances of stepping out as winner.

While you choose, make sure that you know why you making your specific decision. Again, giving full trust to your intuition and or your emotion as a sports fan is the best strategy to empty your bankroll.

If you cannot help but wagering on your favorite team regardless to the odds and to the basic common sense, at least make it minimal: place small amount of money so you would still be able to have fun watching the game.

If, God forbid, you lose, do not be tempted to bet more or you will end up in an endless circle of chasing your bets. Trust me; you do not want to go there.

If you win big time, do not invest your entire winning on betting at once. It will be wiser and more responsible to be satisfied with betting only a certain portion of your winning.

Remember, proportion is a key word. Taking everything in proportion, including when winning, losing your money and or watching your favorite team lose, is the best strategy to minimize the financial and emotional damage.

and do not forget to have fun!

Why i trade forex

Many people ask me why I trade Forex, Well I think like most people when I was introduced to Trading I didn’t know about the Forex market. It was just natural to go looking in the stock exchange for trades. However, I found my trading was very limited, by the time I got home from work in the evening all the action was over. I moved to Forex mainly to take advantage of the 24-hour opening hours, I would often be found at my computer in the middle of the night waiting for the next bar to appear.

Unlike Futures, there are no trading exchanges as such. Trading is being done from major banking establishments around the world, With futures you are generally limited to trading only for a few hours that they are open, if major news breaks and the price starts going against you when the market is closed, you could end up losing big time while you are forced to wait for the market to open. With Forex you will always have an opportunity to trade 24 hours per day 5 days a week. As the sun wakes up each country on its journey it also wakes up the markets in New York, London, Europe, Asia, Australia to name a few.

The Currencies of the world are traded against each other, the most popular being the Euro the US and Australian dollar, British Pound, Swiss Franc and the Japanese Yen.

Because of 24 hour trading, it is rare to see large gaps in price like stocks have on the opening and you often see prices in currencies trending more than stocks.

There are many advantages in trading Forex rather than Stocks, expensive Data providers that you need with Stocks is exchanged for free charting software offered by many Forex brokers. With over $1.5trillion (that’s 46 times bigger than all the future markets put together!) being traded in a single day you are always sure of a trade, With Low transaction costs, no commissions or exchange fees is it no wonder more and more traders are turning to Forex.

Beware though, even with all these advantages trading is a high risk game and should only ever be trading with money you can afford to lose. With a good Trading Strategy and Money Management in place there is no reason not to join many Traders profiting from trading the Forex markets

Thursday, November 3, 2016

The world cup of football

Many people, including myself are starting to look forward to the world cup of football. The question many people are asking is who is likely to win the tournament? In this article, I give my own viewpoint on this subject and discuss some of the likely contenders (teams) who could win.

The world cup finals are being held in Germany and it promises to be a very exciting and entertaining event. The tournament which only takes place every four years is in my opinion the biggest sporting event which takes place. It means everything to all of the players taking part as well as to the supporters.

Potential winners of the football world cup


The hosts Germany are always a big threat in the world cup and have an outstanding record in the tournament. The team seems to peak at just the right time and as they are playing on home soil, they must have a great chance. I personally believe though that Germany will be knocked out in the quarter finals. I think that their best player is Micheal Ballack.


The French team have had an outstanding decade and still boast some of the best players in the world. Players like Henry can turn a game in an instant and he is just one of a few I could mention.

France should do well but I do not believe have enough to win the tournament.


I must say that Holland are one team which I love to watch playing football. They approach the game in the right way and their supporters make it a very colourful occasion.

Despite having many top players, Holland always seem to flatter to deceive and this could well be the case this year.

If my home team of England does not win the world cup, I would love to see the Dutch lift the trophy.


Spain in a way are very much like Holland in that they always seem to fall short despite having many superb players.

On their day the Spanish team can beat the best in the world and should come close this year.

I personally believe that Spain will be knocked out in a penalty shoot out, this is what normally happens to them.


After just failing to win the European football championship, Portugal with their Brazilian manager Scolari will be hoping to go one better in the world cup. It came as quite a shock when Greece beat them in the Final two years ago and this defeat might play on their minds when the pressure is on.


Being from England myself, I am obviously hoping that my home nation can lift the trophy for the first time since 1966.

England certainly have enough talent in the team but something always seems to go wrong.

Wayne Rooney has the potential of being the best player at the world cup and if he can stay fit, England will have a great chance.

I personally believe that the English will be eliminated in the semi-finals.


The Italians have a number of superb footballers but my only concern for them is that they do not always play as a team.

I believe that they should have won a lot more tournaments over the last twenty years and I do not think that they will win this year either.


Brazil are by far and away the best team in the tournament. This is my tip for the team which should win the Fifa world cup.

To win the tournament you require something a little bit special and Brazil certainly have that.

The only way I can see them not winning is if they have a bad run of injuries or a series of red cards. Both of these are highly unlikely.

I hope you all enjoy watching the world cup as much as I will, so lets sit back and enjoy this summer of football.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Discovering new breakthrough in travel

Ever wondered how so many ordinary people like you and me are able to travel the world 3 times over? And these people live amongst us. Our relatives, close friends, peers, ex-schoolmates are just but to name a few. Well, it’s now possible with the advancement of new technologies.

What I am about to share with you are real examples how people have made world travel highly affordable. Things that you can you personally do by yourself. And I am pretty sure you will not be able to sleep tonight once you realize how easy this magic formula works. It’s no rocket science. It’s something you can do today.

To travel you need to save enough of cash. Period.

But with the current inflation and rising energy costs, it is almost impossible for ordinary folks like us to even save a penny. What more a thousand dollars.

Fortunately, there is always a solution. The solution I am proposing would be one that will counter the rising energy costs - both for electricity and gas. Imagine if you can just slash your monthly electricity and gas bills by just 20%, in a year you would have saved several hundred of dollars. But how to save?

For electricity, start using energy efficient appliances. The ones with Energy Star logo printed on them. Due to production cost cutting, many electrical appliances were manufactured with substandard components. This will cause highly inefficient use of electricity. Inefficient use of electricity means WASTE.

Start using energy saving and fluorescent lights with one additional electricity saver device. Energy saving and fluorescent lights need ballasts to light up. Ballasts are highly non-efficient. Therefore, to maximize energy savings, each home must have an electricity saving device which can be easily bought online for less than $60. This device can also lower the energy consumption of air-conditioners, fans, refrigerators and all AV equipment.

As for gas, plan your trips well. For unplanned trips, you will oftentimes ended up traveling further than you should have. Carpool with friends is another great idea. So is taking public transportation. Gas companies produce different grades of gas. Premium grade gas is very expensive and do not usually provide you the equivalent of premium price you pay for. Stick with the Regulars.

Also, get yourself a magnetic gas saver. It has helped millions of people all over the world saving gas. Those who have tried will tell you this is a miracle device that you cannot live without. It gives you a fighting chance against the escalation of gas prices. This device usually is sold at less than $30 and is truly value for money.

Follow these simple steps and I know you’ll be able to see the world for free! See you in Bali next year!

Kitchen faucet buying tips

A durable and stylish kitchen faucet or bath faucet blends together function and aesthetics. The well made faucet makes life a lot easier. Excellent valve mechanism and more durable finishes boost longevity and looks.

Here are six steps in choosing the right faucet for you:

1. Two-handle designs, generally goes for as low as $50, allows you to regulate the temperature more accurately. Having independent control for the hot and cold water makes adjusting the temperature easier.

The single handle faucets also known as post-mount, generally goes for $75 to $200, operate from side-mounted lever or a top-mounted knob. Most single-handle faucets have pullout spouts.

The cross-shaped design and large wing levers are the more popular designs. However, most faucets have different handles that can be attached to a faucet body for a customized look.

2. If the style of the faucet is important, begin your choosing with the type of finish. The most affordable finish for a faucet is a chrome finish. Usually priced around $60. The chrome-finish has a long warranty on scratches.

The more colorful enamel coatings generally will cost you from $20 to $200 more, and are more susceptible to scratches and chipping. Add 25 to 40 percent more to the price of coated faucets for stainless steel faucets.

3. A PVD (physical vapor deposition) finish is better than usual plated finishes but add $150 to $750 more in costs. The PVD finish is done by vaporizing the metal and glazing it with a scratch-resistant and non-tarnishing film.

Look at brushed chrome, oil-rubbed bronze and satin nickel for a rustic appeal. The brushed finish and satin finish cleverly hides scratches.

4. There are more to spouts aside from the standard straight faucets. There are high-arching goose-like spouts, great for filling pots. A pull-out faucet can get you anywhere in a sink with three-bowls. You can go from a spray mode to a stream mode with a touch. There are also restaurant-type models for those extra long hoses.

5. Know that there are four kinds of faucets.

a. The compression valve:

The compression valve uses rubber washers. The compression valve type of faucet will eventually leak but they are typically easy to repair.

b. The ball valves:

The ball valve controls the flow and temperature of the water by using a steel ball. The ball valves are washerless and easy to maintain because of this. Replacing a ball valve is readily affordable and easy to do.

c. The ceramic disk

The ceramic disk is virtually a maintenance free water faucet. It is guaranteed not to wear out but is obviously much more expensive than the ball valve or compression valve.

d. The cartridge faucet

Much like the ceramic disk, the cartridge faucet usually does not need any maintenance. Just like the ceramic disk, it has a hefty price tag.

Regardless of the type of faucet you choose. Always check the warranty and the finish.

6. You may opt for filtering faucets, costing $200 plus, to bring in purified water. Several filters are placed under the sink while others are fitted inside the spout. To set the maximum water temperature, an anti-scald faucet can be used. An electronic faucet with an infrared sensor is also available. They save on water and allow for cleaner handles.

In general, you don't need to hand over your hard earned money to pay for good quality. Most faucets have the same basic parts and sometimes even the same finish across several price lines.

To have a streamlined, urban look, choose a faucet that is mounted on the wall, this is often used with vanity bowls.

Be sure that your faucet connection matches your sink holes. If they don't match, you'll have to provide more drill holes or cover the unused holes using an escutcheon plate.

All faucets in general carry at least one year warranties. Even the low-end models carry at least one year of warranty. Many faucets carry a warranty by the manufacturer that is more than one year.

Good luck choosing the perfect faucet for you.

How to install truck running boards

If you are a pick up truck or SUV owner, one of the most popular accessories for these types of vehicles are running boards. Running boards are particularly useful as they allow easier access to your truck’s cabin in addition to simply “lookin’ good”. You can outfit your vehicle yourself with running boards by following three simple steps. Depending on the brand of running board you purchase, the procedures involved may vary somewhat.

Lund running boards are industry hot sellers and the company helps make installation a breeze by outlining how to get the job done:

1. Insert the square head bolts into the extruded channels on the underside of the board, then attach the Multi-Fit brackets loosely with supplied washers and nuts.

2. After determining mounting position on the truck, the end caps and step pads are attached with matching black rivets.

3. Mounting methods vary slightly with application. Multi-Fit Running boards are bolted in place with clip nuts and bolts at factory holes. Tighten after determining alignment is correct.

That’s it! Before you know it your running boards are securely in place and ready for use.

When shopping for running boards, please note that the quality of the products marketed can vary. A top of the line running board such as those sold by Lund or Westin running boards is typically made out of tough polymer materials or diamond plated aluminum and will, therefore, adequately hold your weight and resist deterioration. You can order running boards that light up, choose boards that have a wide step area, and even select running boards that allow you to paint the shell yourself.

Running boards are made for SUVs from the Kia Sorento to the Ford Expedition, and for trucks from the Toyota Tacoma to the GMC Sierra Denali. Mounting kits are usually sold separately, so before completing your order make sure that all the parts as well as instructions are included with your shipment.

By shopping with a reputable online retailer and installing the running boards yourself you can save plenty of money and have the satisfaction of knowing that you did the installation.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Automotive sales leads - how to caputure and generate leads from your own website

If you are like most car dealers when prospective buyers visit your current website you only have 2 ways to capture their information.

They must either submit a vehicle inquiry (less than 3% will do) or apply for financing (less than 1% will do), that means 96% of your website visitors are leaving your site without you even knowing who or what they were looking for.

Now some car dealers will have savings certificates and free test drive gifts but that still only captures the "in the market right now crowd."

Consumers use the internet for information and most of the time they will look and shop a few months before they are actually ready to buy. With your website only offering 2 ways to capture your visitors information and these two methods being designed for ready to buy now consumers it is totally eliminating your chance to follow up with the "not ready to buy at this exact second" crowd which is over 96% of your website visitors.

Studies have also proven that generating automotive leads from your own website offers the best closing ratios however if you do not have effective ways to capture those "ready to buy now" and "just looking" automotive sales leads you will never see the true success of your Internet Sales Department.

You need to look at your current website capture methods and try to incorporate a system that will be able to capture your visitors information no matter where they are at in their own buying cycle.

By focusing your capture efforts and trying to build a large database of email addresses you will have greater success and sell more vehicles online.

If you would like to see what some of the top automotive groups are doing to build their database visit: HiddenAutoLeads. com

Sunday, October 30, 2016

All types of chinese teas explained

Probably you are familiar with the Chinese saying, “Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and tea are the seven necessities to begin a day.” Though tea is last on the list, we can still see how important the tea is for the Chinese.

There are actually thousand of Chinese tea varieties. These are usually classified by procedure, quality, and preparation methods and so on. However, if we will consider tea in terms of quality, there are actually eight classes of Chinese tea. These include green tea, oolong, black, red, white, yellow, flower, and compressed tea.

Now, let’s take a look at these classes one by one.

Green Tea

Green tea is said to be the most natural type of Chinese tea. It is usually picked, naturally dried and fried briefly to get rid of its grassy smell. Unlike the other types, green tea skipped fermentation process.

According to some experts, green tea has the most medicinal value and the least caffeine content of all Chinese tea classes. The aroma of this type of Chinese type range from medium to high, while the flavor is usually light to medium. Today, about 50% of China’s tea is green tea.

Oolong Tea

This type of Chinese tea is halfway between green tea and black tea in a sense that it is half fermented. Chinese also call it “Qing Cha” and its typical leaves are green in the middle and red on the edges as a result of the process to soften tea leaves.

Oolong tea leaves are basically withered and spread before undergoing a brief fermentation process. Then, it is fried, rolled and roasted.

Black Tea

The Chinese black tea produces full-bodied amber when brewed. Also, this type of Chinese tea undergoes withering, then left to ferment for a long while, and then roasted. The leaves of this variety become completely oxidized after processing.

Red Tea

As the name implies, this type of Chinese tea has red leaves and red tea color. This color is strongly highlighted during the fermentation process. It is also considered that red tea has low aroma and medium flavor and it is now divided into three subclasses: Kung Fu Red Tea, Ted Tea Bits, and Small Species Red Tea.

White Tea

This type of Chinese tea is sometimes considered as subclass of green tea. Perhaps it is for the fact that it is only withered and then roasted. Just like green tea, white tea escaped fermentation process. And, it has low caffeine content.

Yellow Tea

Apparently, yellow tea has yellow leaves and yellow tea color. According to some experts, this type of Chinese tea is an uncommon class of Chinese tea. The flavor of yellow tea is usually mild and refreshing.

Flower Tea

Here is a unique type of Chinese tea – the Flower tea. It actually subdivides into Flower Tea and Scented Tea. Well, the Flower Tea is just based on a simple concept that dried flowers are used, without much processing, to make tea. The Scented Tea, on the other hand, uses green tea and red tea as base and mix with scent of flowers. Generally, this class has light to medium flavor and medium to strong aroma.

Compressed Tea

The final type of Chinese tea is the compressed tea. This class uses black tea as base tea. It is steamed and compressed into bricks, cakes, columns, and other shapes. Also, compressed tea has all the characteristics of black tea. It can be stored for years and decades.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Mercedes b-class begets the dodge hornet

The Mercedes B-Class, a line of compact cars about the size of a Volkswagen Golf, is expected to be imported to the U. S. market within one or two years time. This model is unusual in that it will be the first vehicle marketed by Mercedes in the U. S. that is not a true luxury car. Instead, the German automaker is hoping to capitalize on its venerable name by serving a greater share of the American populace by marketing a more ordinary model. Soon after the B-Class’ debut, yet another small vehicle derived from Mercedes will also make its appearance in the U. S.: the Dodge Hornet. Both the B-Class and Hornet are being developed to revolutionize their respective brands, pitting DaimlerChrysler against some of the leading youth brands in the world.

Not everyone thinks that it is a good idea for Mercedes to sell a budget model in the U. S., particularly one sporting the Mercedes marque. Yet, Mercedes has been building smaller models for years and in Europe the brand is known for producing luxury cars as well as vehicles for the masses. Indeed, Mercedes’ biggest adversary, BMW, also produces a line of small cars and is planning on bringing these vehicles to the U. S. shortly. Thus, like it or not, Mercedes must respond and the B-Class will be the answer.

For Mercedes, the B-Class likely to make it to the U. S. will be a four door sedan outfitted with a six cylinder gas engine. A hatchback, popular in Europe, will probably not be included in the deal knowing American consumers’ disdain for that particular body style. Diesel powered B-Class’ are a possibility and will become even more likely should BMW introduce the same.

For Dodge, the Hornet represents an answer to Scion and their line of youth oriented brands. While the Mercedes B-Class will likely appeal to VW and Nissan owners, the Hornet will target Scion owners as well as those inclined to purchase a Honda Element or other small, boxy vehicle. DaimlerChrysler, the owner of both Mercedes and Dodge, knows that the Hornet is necessary as the brand’s current entry level vehicle, the Caliber, is too expensive to compete against the lowest priced cars from Japan and Korea. Considering that Chinese cars selling for $8500 or less will also be arriving soon, DaimlerChrysler must respond and respond quickly with the Hornet.

While plans haven’t yet been finalized, the Hornet will likely strongly resemble the concept vehicle now on display at car shows around the country. This means that the Hornet will sport a 1.6L I4 mated to a 5 or 6 speed manual transmission, with a horsepower output of 170. With 19 inch tires, stow and go seating, and Saturn ION-like doors, the Hornet will not be confused with any other vehicle on the road which is exactly what Dodge hopes will happen.

To keep production costs down, DaimlerChrysler is looking for a manufacturing plant, probably in Mexico, to build the vehicle. Aiming to keep prices to around $10,000, DaimlerChrysler may tap Volkswagen to produce the vehicle at one of its own plants. This would enable VW to fill excess capacity and give DCX a readily available source to produce the Hornet.

Yes, the B-Class is poised to change the way American consumers think about the Mercedes brand while giving the make a chance to capture a broader chunk of the market. With the Hornet deriving its platform and other key components from the B-Class, Dodge will also benefit and be able to holds its own against Asian imports. Yes, both products present risky moves for parent DaimlerChrysler, one that the automaker must take in an ever changing and highly competitive world.